
 Identity Intervention


 Identity Intervention

“Who Am I?” A question asked by many teens, this question constantly on teens’ minds as they begin to develop their identities and figure out who they are and what kind of person they will become. Race, ethnic heritage, or culture also becomes a concern many of times when begin answering this question; more specifically, this is referred to as teens’ ethnic-racial identity. Understanding how their ethnic-racial identity fits into their larger sense of self is important for many teens. In fact, ethnic-racial identity has various implications in the development of adolescents’ lives, including but not limited to their psychological well-being, academic performance, and peer relationships.

Numerous studies have shown that changing life events can trigger identity crises for individuals. For a person who is uncertain or unstable in their identity, this can have devastating repercussions. Each person was created as a masterpiece by God to portray His image, display His characteristics, and live a fully surrendered life seasoned with purpose and directives from Holy Spirit. We provide a comprehensive and practical avenue for students to safely come to the knowledge of their identity in God which serves as a deeply rooted foundation for life beyond RKI.


 Identity Intervention

 Exploration of Talents and Gifts:

Self-Confidence Builder:

Book Studies:

When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.

Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man

Pursue Your Future Today!!!


Why Partner with us

Rebirth Kingdom Institute has a unique, God-inspired focus on delivering information, incorporating practice, and encouraging all members of our community to effectively carry out their ‘member’ function since we all make up the larger body of the Church. Once we know, recognize, and are walking out our calling, we would have followed our personal journey to fulfillment in Christ.

Our school’s identity involves identity intervention, a personalized discipleship track, the incorporation of a blended, project-based learning environment, and student-centered ministries. This four-legged approach will allow our students to follow an intentional plan to maturity in God.

Identity Intervention
Personalized Discipleship Track
Blended, Project-Based Learning Formats
Student-Centered Ministries
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